Tony and Adam embark on a podcast adventure and instantly realise that quality, factual and intelligent conversation isn’t as easy as it looks. Despite this they persevere with their horror movie based waffley chit-chat, taking time out to discuss a randomly chosen horror movie each episode with varying results. Keep telling yourself.....it can only get better, it can only get better, it can only get better.
TNA : Ep37 Men (2022)
What does this say about men, everything, nothing, something? Well all of these and bugger all! But does it do it in style or not or does it? Annoyed by this description? well that’s men innit!?
Basically this is about male pregnancy and the challenges it presents. Like a modern version of Junior.
This is Men from 2022, a film by Alex Garland and this is something perculiar.
You get to see Kinear’s junk as well, which some movie buffs will be all over, like a termite on a discarded doughnut
I'm also fairly sure that they'll end up churning out a trilogy, Men 2, Men 3 maybe even Men 4, Men 5 etc.
Men men men men, manly men men men!
Men men men men, manly men men men!
Men men men men, manly men, oo hoo hoo, hoo hoo, oo. (Copyright that comedy show about 2 blokes and kid)